Be a Part of our Programme

The Eastercon programme is an eclectic affair spanning everything from the academic to the frivolous. The programme team are starting to collect information from potential programme participants so if you would like to take part in programming at LX, please take a few moments to complete the programme participant questionnaire. By filling this in, you’re helping us to put together a fantastic programme for LX and although this doesn’t guarantee we can run the item you most want to take part in, it improves our chances of finding something to suit your areas of expertise.

Even if you’d rather not take part in programme, you’re welcome to suggest ideas - just email them to the team at

Art Show, Dealers’ Room and Gaming at LX

The keen-eyed will have spotted the addition of some new pages to the site (and the forms are working again, sorry about that), here’s a brief rundown of what we’ve got so far:

Art Show

The Eastercon Art Show displays a variety of work by both professionals and amateurs spanning the science-fiction, fantasy and horror genres. It provides a chance for fans to bid on artwork which often cannot be bought anywhere else. If you’d like to reserve space to display your work, please fill in the form to get in touch.

Dealers’ Room

As is traditional at Eastercon, LX will have a sizeable Dealers’ Room with vendors selling a range of science-fiction related goods including both new and second-hand books. If you are interested in having a space in the Dealers’ Room, please visit the Dealers’ Room page for details and the form.


Not only will LX be running a Gaming Room, we’ve also got big plans for tournaments and even Live Action Role Playing! Have a look at the Gaming page for more information and details of how to get involved.

As always, you have to be a member of LX to take advantage of our programme and all it involves. So if you haven’t already, please register for LX, and then remember to book your hotel room!

7th Fantastic Film Weekend in Bradford

The Fantastic Film Weekend features horror, fantasy and science-fiction cinema and television and is hosted by Britain’s National Museum of Photography, Film & Television in Bradford. Now in it’s seventh year, the festival is taking place June 13-15 2008 with showings that run the gamut from ‘the stark monochrome classics of the silent era through to the latest digital epics’.

This year sees the work of Piers Haggard, Robert Wynne-Simmons, Peter Duffell, Harry Kümel and Robert Fuest being featured; you can view trailers of their films and more festival showings on YouTube.

Tickets for the full weekend cost no more than £40 with single day passes available.

Hilton Room Prices Reduced

We’re pleased to announce that the prices to stay at the Hilton have now been reduced to match the rest of our Overflow Hotels. Accommodation in each of our three overflow options is now just £77/night for a double and £66/night for a single.

Rooms in the Overflow Hotels should be booked through LX, using the form available to download on the Venue and Travel page.

David Lloyd at Bristol ComicExpo

Can’t wait till next year to meet David Lloyd? According to his website, he’ll be at Bristol ComicExpo this weekend:

Next stop for me is the very British Bristol ComicExpo from 9th-11th. Please come and say hi, if you’re around. I’m at a table next to Incognito comics most of the time I’m there, but at Frontier Entertainment’s table from 2-3 on Sat, and at the Titan table from 2-3 on Sunday.