Our Guests of Honour are:
and Eve Harvey |
Jeapes |
MacLeod |
Morgan |
Rankin |
Paragon2 is sofa-ed by Fran Dowd,
supported by James Bacon, Julia Daly, John Dowd, Nigel Furlong,
Sabine Furlong, Alice Lawson, Steve Lawson, and John Richards.
There's a brief introduction to all of us below.
If you would like to help publicise the convention, you can download
a pdf of an A4 flier for your local book or specialist shop,
library, or work noticeboard. If you would like bulk copies,
email sofa@paragon2.org.uk
Membership rates from 17 April 2004 until November
Attending £40 |
Supporting £15 |
Junior £20 |
Child £5 |
Infant free |
Paragon2 Souvenir Merchandise Shop Launch
We’re experimenting with something new for
Paragon2 souvenirs - T-shirts, mousemats, tote bags and the like.
We have joined forces with a US company called CaféPress, who
produce a wide range of products and print them individually with
our designs to your order. These products are only available
through the souvenirs
shop here on the website. This does mean, though, that you can
have a choice of T-shirts from 6-month baby size up to 4XL, and
we’ve also got a special design for people who prefer to have an
image between their boobs and not across them. You can even have
Paragon2 undies! The service is fast, and they take credit cards.
The greatest benefit for all of us is that we have not had to tie
up your membership money in merchandise stock.
Paragon2 Masquerade
You may have heard that we’ve announced that
we’re not going to have a Masquerade. This isn’t quite true,
we have not yet made the final decision.
Alice Lawson, who’s our committee person
responsible for special events, has been running Eastercon
Masquerades for quite some time. She has been watching the number
of entries slowly decline. At Seacon03, there were very few
entries, and none who notified her in advance. Concourse (04)
cancelled the Masquerade in advance, and then reinstated it on the
day. Alice is monitoring the response to this.
We will notify you in the next PR (November
2004) and here as soon as the decision is made. We have a range of
ideas to replace it if we do cancel, and will do some of these
even if we go ahead with the main event. These include the
increasingly popular Hall Costume Competition, an Easter Bonnet
Parade, an Alter Ego Costume Ball, and the audience participation
costumes for Richard III. There will be the usual capable support
of Chaos Costuming.
We are also thinking of running some workshop
items on Masquerading, to support people who are thinking of
entering the Worldcon Masquerade later in the year.
If you have any comments or queries about this,
please email
email sofa@paragon2.org.uk.
Paragon2 Richard III Project
Paragon2 is proud to announce that our programme
will include the World Premiere of Richard III for the audience,
to the audience, BY THE AUDIENCE!, as featured in Jasper Fforde's
"The Eyre Affair" and starring Jasper Fforde as
"Richard III". During the next year the Richard III
Project will need: scriptwriters to cut the original and devise
the audience script; and cast members for the main characters. If
you are interested in the Project, check out the Project
pages and get back to us.
James Bacon
Tá James fíche octht blian d'aois agus tá an t'úfas obair
finsceálíocht eolíocht gaothraniocht deanta aige thár deich
blian. Bhí sé ar coiste comhdáil Octocon 1993, agus de bhí sin
an thuas den oibre. An Blian seo, tá sé ag obair ar They Came
and Shaved us, comhdáil i Dundalk, i mhí Deireadh Fomhair. Tá
Paragon 2 an ceád am do James a bheith ar comhdáil Cascá.
Julia Daly
Warped from an early age by bed-time stories from John Wyndham,
and watching Dr Who, Blake's 7 and The Tomorrow People (to name
but a few), I had no choice but to gravitate to SF conventions via
ZZ9 and Octarine. Deciding to get more involved I offered to help
with a convention called Inconsequential and found myself on the
committee for all 3 Incons.
Sucked kicking and screaming into the orbit of Sheffield fandom, I
awoke one day to discover I was now on the committee for Paragon
2. I think my job is to fix James Bacon with a Grenfellian steely
gaze and say "James - don't do that ..."
Fran Dowd
I too was sucked kicking and screaming into Sheffield fandom, but
as I was also marrying one of them at the same time it didn't seem
too bad. That was nearly 14 years ago and we've nearly catalogued
the joint library - not including anything we've bought since, of
I'm the Sofa (and the Page 3 girl), you can spot me at conventions
as I wear the Kimono of Power. I was Sofa for Intuition (Eastercon
98) and Assistant Editor for newsletter and website for the
original Paragon.
John Dowd
Reading SF as far back as I can remember (Kemlo stories and those
yellow covers in the adult library) science fiction has always
been an important part of my life. I remember the first appearance
of Doctor Who rather better than the death of President Kennedy.
Fandom I discovered at university, joining CUSFS and visiting The
Globe in Hatton Garden. I have been involved in the Sheffield
group for more than 25 years fannishly going to the pub and
talking. My claim to fame is sailing the only mono hull yacht to
the Brighton Worldcon.
I enjoy working on conventions and have run publications,
newsletters, merchandise and hotel liaison. This time I have the
money and the members.
Nigel & Sabine Furlong
Hello. We are Nigel and Sabine Furlong and we are a team. Our
collaboration began in 1995, when we met during a security shift
at Intersection. We decided that the European Video mountain and
the British book lake should find a home together in a two bed in
Didcot and got married in 1996. Our unit is made complete by our
four year old daughter Karen. Her first word was Doctor Who_honest!
We both work in emergency planning and have experienced the odd
incident during our work.
We both started working at conventions by volunteering for
operations and gophering. We got hijacked into conrunning by Alice
Lawson who invited us to join the Paragon 2001 committee. Sabine
was head of programming, Nige organised operations. We have since
been involved in smaller cons and are now back for Paragon 2005,
where we will be joint heads of operation.
Alice Lawson
My name is Alice Lawson. I live in Sheffield with Steve Lawson. I
have been going to conventions since Conspiracy in 1987. Since
then I have been on various committees from Novacons to Worldcons
and various stops in-between although not normally all at the same
time till now. I guess I am just insane or a control freak. Or
perhaps I am just bossy although no one would say that. No really!
The real reason is that I enjoy seeing people happy and having
fun. If I can help make that happen then I enjoy myself. Selfish
Steve Lawson
Hi my name is Steve Lawson, I've been attending conventions since
1977. I found that I liked to help out and organise them, so I've
been doing that for some time now.
I'm not that good at writing, so my main problem on a committee is
writing bits and pieces for the Con publications, in this case
information for the PR. So up until now I've managed to get other
people to write them for me, that is getting more difficult since
David T Cooper moved away, his pieces were more interesting,
especially the shrub thing... But that's 100 words.
John Richards
Oh Glory, it's the brief introduction to the committee time again.
How the Hell am I supposed to sum myself up in 100 words without
sounding either terminally pompous or completely incapable of
intelligent communication?
Still, I suppose having spent a year writing up CVs before moving
up to Yorkshire wandering into a pub in Sheffield and finding
myself on a Con Committee again I ought to be used to it. The
problem is, as ever, deciding what is relevant and what is not and
the level of detail to which one should go. Space is also a major
consideration ...