John Coxon15/10/2020 HORDES DESCEND Our first story in this newsletter concerns the recent, rapid, and alarming rise of people in this Discord. Rest assured the convention are doing everything they can to keep tabs on this insidious situation. John Coxon15/10/2020 WE WANT YOU (TO FLOG YOUR STUFF) Punctuation would like to invite any @Artist or @Dealer-type people attending to make themselves known in #help-desk so that we can give you the appropriate roles and get you set up for being able to sell and otherwise exhibit your wares. John Coxon20/10/2020 WE WANT YOU (TO VOLUNTEER) We are pleased to announce that we now have a questionnaire for people who would like to volunteer, encompassing everything from panel suggestions to helping us with the technical end. Please go and fill it in if you're interested! John Coxon21/10/2020 ACCESSING THE CONVENTION If the only channels you can see are #1-code-of-conduct, #help-desk and #newsletter, you haven't yet accepted our code of conduct, which is a prerequisite to accessing the wider convention, including the social and programme spaces. Please navigate to #1-code-of-conduct, and read the text in that channel before indicating your acceptance at the bottom of the posts, and you'll be able to see the wider Discord. Thank you! John Coxon01/11/2020 PANELLING AROUND If you are interested in appearing on our programme, we're seeking panellists for some panels and programme ideas that we're listing in #participant-solicitations – head there and react if you'd like to appear, or discuss who might be good in #programme-idea-discuss! Alison Scott06/11/2020 BADGE NAMES We're assuming that your nickname in the Discord is what you want on your (virtual) con badge. If it's not, use the /nick command in one of the chat channels to change it. Alison Scott06/11/2020 otherwise don't blame me if your con badge says THROG BANANABANE #4358 Alison Scott07/11/2020 PINS Many channels have pinned messages at the top of them. You can read the pinned messages for the channel you're in by clicking on the pin at the top of the Discord window. John Coxon08/11/2020 DEALERS AND ARTISTS If you are a dealer or an artist there is a deadline of Tuesday at 5pm to tell us that you want to be a dealer or artist so that we can get you set up ahead of the con. Please either tag me in #volunteer-here or message me separately to get the roles. Thank you! Note: If you do not currently already have the Artist or Dealer role, we are not aware of you, and you should contact us! John Coxon08/11/2020 FOOD AND DRINK There are multiple things happening next weekend which require you to eat and drink (gasp, swoon). If you are interested in any of the following, remember to order or plan to obtain the various components necessary! #beer-tasting #cheese-tasting #vauxhall whisk(e)y and assort libations consumption #wine-tasting You will also need: Breakfast and coffee/tea/juice (Saturday morning) Coffee and breakfast/tea/juice (Sunday morning) A takeaway for dinner (Sunday night) Get planning! :smile: John Coxon09/11/2020 THE DAWNHOUNDS One of the plethora of myriad programme items we have coming up is a book group around The Dawnhounds by Sascha Stronach, which won the Sir Julius Vogel Award. You may already own it (if not, you can find it on Amazon UK) but either way, read it before Punctuation if you want to come to the book group! John Coxon10/11/2020 PROGRAMME The programme is now available, @everyone! John Coxon12/11/2020 YOUR FAVOURITE BOOK NOBODY HAS EVER HEARD OF @futuriana is running this item! Acknowledgment: This idea is lifted from a FogCon 2011 programme item of the same name (well almost, they spelled it “Favorite” of course) by Lisa Eckstein and Jesse the K, which I have sadly not seen replicated since. You will have one minute to talk about one book (you can have another go if there is time after everyone has gone). Please start with the title and author so we can put it in the chat, sending your submission in advance to is not required but would be appreciated so we can have the full list of recommendations posted after the session. Visual aids are encouraged. John Coxon12/11/2020 The above item will be at #favourite-books-nobody-has-heard-of and the Dawnhounds book group will be at #dawnhounds-book-group, book fans! John Coxon12/11/2020 ONE DAY REMAINS Punctuation begins in twenty hours' time and we have opened the channels for the Friday programme items. It's happening! John Coxon13/11/2020 PROGRAMME WITH LINKS TO ITEMS @everyone This is the version of the programme that has links to the items on the various platforms they're happening on. It's separate to the above link, because the above link is publicly accessible; this one shouldn't be shared outside the server (please and thank you!). John Coxon13/11/2020 TREASURE HUNT Welcome, me hearties! Captain FakePurpleBeard awaits yer attentions in the #treasure-hunt-main, where ye can listen to his proposition and go a-questin' for BURIED TREASURE. Be sure to be visitin' before long, now, or ye may miss yer chance, matey! (Also, in unrelated news: If you've seen any phantom messages from Role Manager in the last hour or so, you can safely ignore them.) John Coxon13/11/2020 SPACE BAR The Space Bar—the main social space on Zoom for Punctuation—is now open! Alison Scott13/11/2020 The MAP Attachment file type: unknown Hotel_Map.png 161.73 KB John Coxon13/11/2020 HOUSES You should now be in a house! The houses are @hemi-demi-semi-colon, @interrobang, @quasiquote and @sarcastrophe. You will appear as the colour of your house in chat, unless you are on the committee/a mod/a listener. If there is anyone @here that does not have a house, or if you are in a house and would rather opt out, please let me know in #help-desk and I'll get you sorted out. And remember, there are points! John Coxon13/11/2020 You can now #pick-up-your-virtual-badge :smile: John Coxon13/11/2020 Shamelessly abusing my privileges to say that a gathering of us are in Game Room 1 and planning to play a game or two Alison Scott13/11/2020 FRIDAY NIGHT IS NOW DONE Alison Scott14/11/2020 GOOD MORNING CAMPERS! Breakfast will be served in the Hotel Restaurant breakout room at the Space Bar. For those of you of an antipodean persuasion, the Australians are having a party in the Australian Evening Party at the Space Bar. The programme begins at 8:50am for all you runners, here in the #not-parkrun channel on Discord. Welcome to Saturday! The Space Bar can be found at John Coxon14/11/2020 SCIENCE OF WOO The Science of Woo by @heidi will start in half an hour! Go over to #science-of-woo if you're planning to attend. John Coxon14/11/2020 10:30 programming is now live! If it's not on your computer please refresh the YouTube page. John Coxon14/11/2020 MUTING CHANNELS AND CATEGORIES Now that programme has begun in earnest you might find that you don't want to see the chatter about items you're not actually watching. If you do find that, you can mute the channel for that item! For instance, I have not had time to watch last night's episode of The Mandalorian (can't think why :thinking:) so I've muted that, as shown in the below screenshot. As always, let us know in #help-desk if you need a hand. Attachment file type: unknown Screenshot_2020-11-14_at_11.16.02.png 1.46 MB Note that the bell or the menu both work to mute the channel, so I've indicated both :slight_smile: John Coxon14/11/2020 PROGRAMME CHANNELS After a suggestion from @David Laight / Beardedtit, we've rearranged the upcoming programme items into chronological order rather than alphabetical, so channels towards the top are programme items happening sooner. Programme items from the past are moved down to the archive, and are in alphabetical order for ease of finding them :slight_smile: John Coxon14/11/2020 QUASIQUOTES For those in Quasiquote house wondering how best to rep their house, @Shana (she/her) suggests borrowing logic notation: "Quasi-quotation is sometimes denoted using the symbols ⌜ and ⌝ (unicode U+231C, U+231D), or double square brackets, ⟦ ⟧ ("Oxford brackets"), instead of ordinary quotation marks." Whereas @Alqua suggested "-"I think people should use a "-" at both ends of the quasiquote."-" For other houses: Sarcastrophe house members can use ^ or /s. hemi-demi-semi-colon house can use ; if their keyboard doesn't support the hemi-demi-semi-colon correctly. Interrobang members can use ‽ or:interrobang~1: Alison Scott14/11/2020 REMEMBER THE BAR IS ALWAYS OPEN If you're not sure what to do next, why not come and hang out in The Space Bar. As well as loud spaces for chatting, we have quiet spaces for reading, doing a jigsaw, or gaming in good company. The bar is open roughly from 8am to 7:59am every day at Punctuation. Liz B.15/11/2020 SUNDAY HAS BEGUN Early risers and Australians, join the party in The Space Bar! And a House Point update: Quasiquote 82 Sarcastrophe 94 Hemidemisemicolon 41 Interrobang 84 So it's all to play for! John Coxon15/11/2020 Alison Scott15/11/2020 New micro-programme item! We're going to visit the Museum of Pop Culture's Star Trek Exhibition at 2pm. Discuss the exhibit in #star-trek-exhibition or join our dedicated audio channel at 2pm to chat about it while you look. John Coxon15/11/2020 CHARITY We are planning on disbursing a chunk of our unwanted profits to charity! If you'd like to help us decide which charities to donate to, head to #charity-voting and cast your vote. ART SHOW AND DEALERS' ROOM As is traditional, today is the last day you'll be able to buy art and swag from the art show and dealers' room! If you haven't yet spent all your cash on our lovely artists and dealers, please head on over to #art-show and #dealers-room to see what's available. Alison Scott15/11/2020 We have opened the #next-time- channel for you to give us feedback and suggestions. We'll either act on them, ignore them, or pass them on to other virtual conventions. Alison Scott15/11/2020 There are more badges in the #pick-up-your-virtual-badge channel; if you're still missing yours then please catch me at the dead dog. John Coxon15/11/2020 Full Stop! Alison ScottToday at 11:49 YOUTUBE LINKS This is a list of all the items that are on YouTube, with their links. If any links are broken, or any captions are incomprehensible, let us know and we'll get it sorted. You have about six more days to watch these. Alison Scott pinned a message to this channel. See all the pins. Today at 11:51