Chicon 2000: What's New, Jan 2001-current Chicon 2000 What's New, Jan 2001-current Rev. 27-Apr-2000 Previous: What's New, Aug-Dec 2000 (Table of Contents) Next: What's New, Jan-Mar 2000 _________________________________________________________________ Chaz Boston Baden/Erik V. Olson, 08-Mar-2001 E-mail Directory - most of the old e-mail addesses are no longer listed or maintained. 16-Jan-2001 Ross Pavlac - removed an obsolete link from Ross's memorial page. Apparently his old web page is no longer archived anywhere that we know of. _________________________________________________________________ Previous: What's New, Aug-Dec 2000 (Table of Contents) Next: What's New, Jan-Mar 2000 Top | Table of Contents | What's New | Register | Help