Chicon 7 logoChicon 7 skyline graphic
Membership rate through the convention.
Young Adult (17-21)US$$100
The 70th World Science Fiction Convention
August 30-September 3, 2012   Hyatt Regency   Chicago

Artist Gallery

Welcome to the Chicon 7 Artist Showcase, an online gallery of the artists whose work will be represented in the Chicon 7 Art Show.

About the Showcase

Each artist has been invited to contribute a short biography and a sample of their work. You can access each artist's information using the index to the right of this page.

We will also have a full color, printed version of this showcase available for sale at Chicon 7, price $10. Numbers are limited, so make sure you get your copy early! Copies will be available from Sales to Members and from the Art Show.

Are you an Artist?

If you are an exhibiting artist, and have not yet submitted your Showcase materials, please follow the instructions in the Art Show rules. The deadline for the printed publication has now passed, although we will continue to add new artists to this online gallery until late August.