Artist's Name |
Agent's Name |
Street Address |
City |
State/Prov | |
ZIP/Postal Code |
Country | |
Phone |
Email |
Artist's Website (URL) |
Make checks payable to Artist
Agent |
Note: By clicking this checkbox, submitting this form, and sending an online payment, you are indicating your agreement to abide by the art show rules, the same as signing a paper form. Also, if you don't click this checkbox, this form will not be submitted!
Note: A maximum of three tables and/or panels combined may be reserved.
Panels Requested |
Size 4'x6', $50 each, max. 3
Tables requested (Max 2) |
Size 6'x30", $50 each
Half-table 3'x30", $25 |
Print Shop |
Note: All copies will be hung on extended hangers in the
Print Shop display for buyers to pick up themselves.
Number of Prints ($1 each, max. 40):
Any Special Display Requirements
(over-sized work, electricity, floor space, co-locate with another artist, etc): |
Briefly describe your art so we may locate your display to best highlight it: |
I plan to attend Chicon 7. (You can register here with the Chicon 7 online registration page.)
My art will arrive with my designated agent (please fill out Agent Information above).
I cannot attend in person but wish to mail in my art.
(There is a $25 handling fee for receiving mail-in art.)
Refund if no space available
Wait list for available space
To help us reduce spam, please type the answer to this question:
Enter as digits, not as text.
Note: If you can't read or complete the question above, please type the numerals zero zero zero here:
(and leave the box blank for the question above)
Submit payment on the next page.