Chicon 7 logoChicon 7 skyline graphic
Membership rate through the convention.
Young Adult (17-21)US$$100
The 70th World Science Fiction Convention
August 30-September 3, 2012   Hyatt Regency   Chicago

Hugo Voter Packet

In order to provide the Hugo Voter's Packet, Chicon 7 is required to confirm that only Attending and Supporting members have access to the files that make up the Hugo Voter's Packet.

To ensure that you are a member of Chicon 7, cookies must be enabled.

In order to download files that make up the Hugo Voter Packet, you must supply your Chicon 7 membership number and your 7-digit PIN provided by Chicon 7.

If you do not have your Chicon 7 membership number or your 7-digit PIN, you may request it by sending an email to

Chicon 7 Membership Number:
7 Digit PIN