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Membership rate through the convention.
Young Adult (17-21)US$$100
The 70th World Science Fiction Convention
August 30-September 3, 2012   Hyatt Regency   Chicago

Stroll with the Stars

Would you like to get up close and personal so you could have a conversation with your favorite author, artist or editor ... and at the same time get some fresh air and stretch your legs a bit? That's what Stroll With the Stars is all about.

Every morning we'll take a nice stroll ... and we stress, stroll. This is not a heart-pounding aerobic exercise, or a forced march; it's a nice morning stroll. This has been described by some of the participants as a "Strolling Kaffeeklatsch" (but unlike a Kaffeeklatsch you won't need to stand in line to sign up, and there's no limit to how many can attend); one stroller told us this was "like the peripatetic schools of the ancient Greek philosophers".

We'll have some of your favorite convention guests strolling along. Ever wish you could get some one-on-one time? Maybe ask your favorite author where she gets her ideas, or ask your favorite artist about technique, or ask the great editors how they make their selections? Some of the "Stars" who have come out to Stroll with us: Lou Anders, David Brin, Lauren Beukes, Paul Cornell, Ellen Datlow, Cory Doctorow, Scott Edelman, Joe Haldeman, Mary Robinette Kowal, Jay Lake, Farah Mendlesohn, Larry Niven, John Picacio, Stephen H. Segal, Ann VanderMeer, Boris Vallejo, Bill Willingham, Connie Willis, Frank Wu and dozens more have all strolled along with us. Check out the photos of us Strollin' in '09 at Anticipation in Montreal, and in '08 at Denvention in Denver. (Click on the thumbnails below for larger images).

'Strollers' at Anticipation

'Strollers' at Denvention

Strolling in Chicago

We'll meet each morning at 9 a.m. in the hotel, by the Big Front Door of the Hyatt (Main Entrance, Atrium Lobby, Green Level, East Tower - this is the main entrance, which looks at the river, on Wacker Drive). We will return each morning before 10 a.m. And a reminder to everyone - Chicago is a busy place, there is traffic, don't be stepping into the street without looking... and for those of you from the UK, remember, traffic here comes from your left!

Stroll with the Stars also has its own Facebook page. If you're on Facebook, you can use this page to see who's planning to join the Stroll and to let your friends know that you'll be strolling too.

Here is the schedule (up to date as of August 26; should be subject to minor changes only). For the latest information, check out the Facebook page linked above.