Art Show Rules

This page contains the Art Show Rules for Renovation, the 2011 World Science Fiction Convention. Note that this information can also be downloaded in PDF format (easier for printing) from the main Art Show Entry page.

Please make sure you read ALL the rules carefully before applying to participate in the Art Show. Even if you are a regular Worldcon exhibitor, there may be things that are different this year.


  1. The Basic Rules
  2. Display Space
  3. How to Reserve Display Space
  4. Fees and Space Allocation
  5. What You Are Selling
  6. Set-up, Check-In and Check-Out
  7. Selling Your Work
  8. Art @ Renovation
  9. Artist Showcase
  10. Affordable Art Auction
  11. Awards
  12. Security
  13. Disclaimer
  14. Art Show Schedule
  15. Art Show Contact Information

1. The Basic Rules

Everyone must have at least a convention membership in order to gain access to the Art Show. You can be either an attending member or a supporting member. For information on convention memberships, check the Renovation website.

All entries must be original works of a science fiction, fantasy, horror, astronomical, fannish or related theme. Artwork in any medium will be accepted including sculptures, photographs, computer-generated etc. Only one copy of a print or reproduction may be displayed in the Art Show. Multiple copies may be sold via the Print Shop.

Artists may enter the Art Show and/or Print Shop (either directly or via an agent), but each artist may enter only once. Several artists may enter as a group, but any group entry will be held to the same limits as for a single artist entry. Every piece submitted must be the work of (one or more of) the entering artist(s). Collaborative works may be submitted by any of the collaborators.

All two-dimensional (flat) entries must be matted, mounted, or framed, and ready to be hung. Prints must be mounted or matted. All items to be entered must be finished before being brought into the Art Show.

We reserve the right to reject any work that is physically hazardous, is a nuisance (noise, intense flashing lights, etc.), is a copyright infringement, is libelous, or is patently offensive by community standards. Once a piece of artwork has been signed into the Art Show or Print Shop, it may not be withdrawn, nor may any conditions of its sale (e.g., minimum bid) be changed, for the duration of the show.

Not-For-Sale work is allowed in the show and is eligible for awards, but we would appreciate it if at least half of your work is for sale.

2. Display Space

The Art Show will be located in Hall 2 of the Reno-Sparks Convention Center, along with all other Exhibit Division functions (dealers, fan tables, etc.).

The Art Show will have approximately 200 4' x 6' pegboard panels for flat artwork and two dozen 6' x 30" tables for 3-D pieces. We choose to restrict the amount of space that each artist can reserve so that as many artists as possible can participate.

We reserve the right to waive these limits whenever, in our opinion, it will improve the show; if you think that you have a good reason why you should be granted a waiver, please write to us as soon as possible.

The Print Shop will have a separate display area, with all copies of each print hung on large/extended pegboard hooks. Work placed in the Print Shop needs a Print Shop label rather than a bidsheet because it is sold at a fixed price and does not go to auction. Buyers will be able to immediately pick up and pay for Print Shop items throughout the convention.

You must have 3-10 IDENTICAL copies of each image entered into the Print Shop. Copies of an image that are of a different size, matted vs. mounted, etc. should be considered as separate images when you are completing your Control Sheet inventory. We will accept 3-D items if and only if they can be hung in self-packaging. You must purchase Print Shop panel space; there is a per print fee.

3. How to Reserve Display Space

To enter the Renovation Art Show and Print Shop, please fill out and return the Registration Form as soon as possible. Advance reservations are required - no space will be available at the door unless there are last-minute cancellations. The deadline for reservations is July 15, 2011, but we expect the show to sell out before then. If your form arrives after the show is full, you will be put on the Wait List to wait for cancellations. You may pay by check or money order, payable to "Renovation Art Show".

All Registration Forms must be signed and returned by post to the address specified in section 15. All Forms must be accompanied by full payment, normally by US check or money order. If this payment mechanism is difficult for you (in particular if you are an overseas artist), please contact the Art Show Director at to discuss alternatives.

If you have special requests, such as odd size displays or wish to have your art hung next to that of a friend, please tell us on the entry form. We will try to accommodate you.

We will acknowledge receipt of your entry form, indicating how much space has been reserved for you, whether some or any of your requested space has been Wait-Listed, etc. We will inform you whenever your reservation status changes (e.g. when a space request on the Wait List has been granted). During June 2011 we will make available master inventory sheets, bid sheets, Print Shop control sheets, confirmation of your current status, and detailed instructions for bringing your art and checking it into the show, to all artists who have space reserved, or who are on the Wait List but have a reasonable chance to be granted space due to cancellations.

We will refund your fees in full if we receive notification of your cancellation by noon PDT on July 15, 2011. Please let us know about any emergencies, such as travel delays, to arrange for late check-in. If you do not cancel, telephone, and do not show up, you will receive no refund. If we have not heard from you by 2 pm Wednesday August 17, we may resell your space.

Due to the substantial effort required for us the staff to unpack, hang, unhang, and re-pack mailed-in art, we will only allow a limited amount of it. Please do not request permission to mail your artwork unless you really are unable to find any other way to get it to and from the show. If we allow you to mail your art, you will be limited to at most 20 pieces on no more than one panel or one-half table of space. There will also be an additional fee of $25, plus the actual amount of return postage for your artwork. If you mail art to us without our prior written agreement, we will return it. Please send email with your request to or send a letter to the address specified in section 15 of these rules.

4. Fees and Space Allocation


  • Our basic fee is a set fee of $50 per panel and $50 per table.
  • The Print Shop fee is $1 per print.
  • There will also be a 10% commission on all sales.

We estimate that our total fees will cover at least 75% of the Art Show's expenses. These expenses include our share of the cost of function space, guards and other security arrangements, postage, fees for the use of credit cards, various supplies, the cost of hangings, supplemental lighting and other equipment, electricity, our share of the general costs of the convention, and gratuities.


The basic unit of space is the "panel", which is a hanging space four feet high and six feet wide. For 3-D art, the basic unit is the "table", which will be six feet by thirty inches. Remember that the space you reserve must allow for clearance between pieces, and space for their attached bid sheets. Pieces may not extend beyond the edge of the panel or table.

If you wish to show pieces which do not fit into these categories, such as free-standing sculptures or display cases, write to us now for a rate quote. Please include details.

We will try to keep all work by a single artist together, but this may not be possible in all cases.

We will normally fill requests for space as shown below, although we may be able to provide an area of different shape; if you will be entering large or unusually-shaped items and can only use certain arrangements, please tell us so on your entry form.

1 panel
2 panels
3 panels

1 table
1 panel 4' high by 6' wide
2 panels 4' high by 6' wide arranged in an "L"
3 panels 4' high by 6' wide arranged in a "U"

1 table 72" wide by 30" deep

Art Sales to Buyers:

All sale prices will be in US dollars.

Buyers may pay for art with cash, check, traveler's checks, VISA, Discover, American Express or MasterCard. You as the artist will not be charged a separate fee to cover credit card service charges. We must collect sales tax on all Art Show and Print Shop sales, but this is charged to the purchaser and will not affect your sales payments.

Payments to Artists:

We will not be able to make any payments to artists at the convention.

Renovation acknowledges its obligation to pay each artist the monies collected from the sale of his/her artwork less any fees and/or commissions stated in these rules and agreed to by the artist by his submission of a signed Art Show Reservation Form.

We understand the importance of prompt payment to exhibiting artists. Our aim is to mail you a check no later than 45 days after the end of the convention and in practice we hope to reduce this to closer to 30 days. This period allows time for checks and charges to clear through the banking system and the status of any non-picked-up pieces to be resolved, as well as enabling us to balance the books, cross-check the bid sheets, and prepare for each artist a complete accounting of the overall show and of the artist's works.

5. What You Are Selling


We inform buyers that the purchase of art does not include any reproduction rights. Buyers who wish to reproduce the art they have purchased must make arrangements directly with you.


Only the official convention photographers and supervised press (including television) will be allowed to photograph the Art Show.


The Print Shop is the place to sell photo prints, etc. However, single copies of fine art prints and other limited-edition works are allowed in the main Art Show. Each reproduction must be clearly identified as such on its bid sheet. Please include the method of reproduction used (e.g., "Cibachrome print, serigraph, hand-pulled silk-screen, lithograph, computer), and the copy number (e.g. #8 of 100).

We particularly request that you not enter in the Art Show a copy of a piece which is also for sale in the Print Shop or the Dealers' Room, since someone who bids on such an item and later discovers that he could have bought the same thing for a fixed price often feels cheated. You may post a notice on your panel that you have reproductions available in the Print Shop or in the Dealers' Room.

6. Set-up, Check-In and Check-Out

Set-Up and Artist Check-In:

We will set up the hangings and tables on Monday, August 15 and Tuesday, August 16. Artist check-in will be held from 2 pm to 8 pm on Tuesday, August 16, and on Wednesday, August 17 from 9 am to noon. Please try to arrive early; if you cannot arrive before noon Wednesday, have your art handled by an agent named by you, because the show will open to the public at 1 pm. We realize that not everyone can arrive this early, but all late check-ins must be by prior arrangement with us. If you are late and have not made special arrangements with us, or do not call us if disaster strikes, we may resell your space.

Artist Check-out:

You must remove your unsold art between 10 am and 6 pm on Sunday, August 21st. Early artist check-out will coincide with Saturday buyers' Pick-Up-and-Pay from 6 pm to 8 pm, and only by prior arrangement with the Art Show Director.

Please do not pack up any pieces that have bids on them. If a bidder does not pick up his purchases, the Art Show will attempt to obtain payment from him. If this attempt fails, we will ask the next-highest bidder if he still wants the piece at the price s/he bid. If that too fails, we will ship the piece back to you the artist at our expense.

7. Selling Your Work

All pricing will be in, and all sales collected in, United States dollars.

Written Bid Sales:

Each piece in the main Art Show will have a bid sheet/ID tag with information about the piece, and space for written bids. Pieces may also be marked for display only as "NFS" not for sale.

We expect that it will take 5 written bids to reach the voice auction, but have not made a final decision as yet. At closing on Saturday, the show will close and we will close out all artwork as follows:

a) Pieces with enough bids => Sent to a voice auction.
b) Pieces with fewer bids => Sold to the highest bidder.
c) Pieces with no bids => Marked Not For Sale => Withdrawn from sale
d) Pieces with no bids => Marked Available After Closeout => Can be purchased for minimum on Sunday.

After the Art Show reopens, winning bidders must pick up and pay for their art on Sunday. Convention members may re-enter the show, and may buy those unsold pieces marked as available. The Print Shop will also be open during this period.

Voice Auction Sales:

Pieces that have enough bids will be sent to the voice auction, on Sunday beginning at noon.

Print Shop Sales:

Whenever the Art Show is open, bidders may purchase items from the Print Shop at a fixed price, for immediate pick-up.

8. Art @ Renovation

Renovation's SF & Fantasy Art activities are significantly more extensive than those of other recent Worldcons and come under an overall banner of Art @ Renovation.

We will of course feature all of the traditional items - the Art Show, an Artist Guest of Honor (Boris Vallejo), the Artist Hugos and the Chesley Awards. However our plans also include:

  • An Artist Showcase including bios, photos and sample work from all exhibiting artists (see section 9 below)

  • Special Art Exhibits - featuring a significant display of historical SF&F art from two major private collections

  • A diverse program with an increased emphasis on live demonstrations and workshops, as well as art-related interviews, panels, presentations and special art show open hours

  • An innovative Affordable Art Auction (see section 10 below).

Art @ Renovation activities will go on throughout the convention, but we will also have a specially focused "Art Night" on the second evening of Renovation to celebrate the visual arts in SF & F. For Art Night, events and activities will spread across our Exhibit Hall and program rooms; from an open reception in the Art Show to the Renovation Film Festival; from anime to comics; and from artist demonstrations to participatory craft activities for members.

We are working hard to develop these ideas and more. We are listening carefully to the art community, taking their ideas and feedback on board. We are delighted to have the support of a brain trust comprising Lou Anders, Bob Eggleton, Richard Hescox, John Picacio and Jannie Shea. We welcome input (and offers to help!) from everyone. You can find more information on Art @ Renovation and Art Night on the Renovation website at, or by writing to us at

9. Artist Showcase

Renovation will be creating a showcase publication to introduce the exhibiting artists to the Convention members. This will be available as both a printed publication and in online form on our website.

To create the showcase, we would like to receive the following from each exhibiting artist:

  • A biography. This needs to be no more than 150 words per artist for the printed publication, but we have room for up to 300 words on the website. You can either send us two versions (short and long) or just send a longer version for the website and we will edit down as required for the printed publication.

  • A digital photo of yourself, for use on the website.

  • A sample image of your artwork that we can publish alongside the biography. This needs to be at 300 dpi to provide sufficient resolution for the print publication, and should be provided in TIFF, EPS or JPG format. We will sample the image down to lower resolution for use on the website. The chosen artwork does NOT have to be one you will be exhibiting at Renovation but should be representative of your portfolio.

    Please make sure you specify the title and any associated credits to accompany this image.

  • Details of any personal website, blog etc that you would like us to link to from our website (you can specify more than one).

Please email these materials to at the same time as your mail your entry form and entry fees for the art show. (We can handle attachments of up to 10 MB - if your image file is larger than this, please email us at the same address and we will arrange an alternative transmission mechanism).

10. Affordable Art Auction

The Affordable Art Auction will run as part of Art Night (see section 8) and will be additional to the regular Art Auction described in the rest of these rules. During this event we will sell around 30 small original works by well known artists in an open auction, with a fixed opening reserve of $20 per item (although we obviously expect the selling prices to be significantly higher).

The Affordable Art Auction will be a "buzz" event giving a unique opportunity for members to acquire work by artists who would normally be out of their price range. The works themselves should be small (maximum 6" x 8"), original pieces. (These may be sketches, pencil works, or finished pieces). Proceeds will go to the artists subject to the usual commission arrangements.

The Art Show Director will contact selected artists during the first part of 2011 inviting them to submit works for this Auction. More detailed information on the event will be provided at that point in time. If you would particularly like to submit a piece, please let the Art Show Director know by emailing her at

11. Awards

We are happy to continue the tradition of awarding ribbons for exemplary artwork. A panel of judges will award most of the ribbons.

12. Security

We expect to have uniformed guards inside the Art Show area. The Renovation Art Show cannot provide insurance coverage for art entered in the show. You should ensure that your own insurance will cover your art while it is at the show.

13. Disclaimer

While we fully intend these to be the rules which actually govern the Renovation Art Show, we reserve the right to make changes or interpretations if unforeseen circumstances arise. Any interpretations will be guided by the spirit, rather than the letter, of these rules.

14. Art Show Schedule

Monday, Aug. 1510:00 am to 6:00 pmMove-in/Set-up of Hangings
Tuesday, Aug. 1610:00 am to 2:00 pmSet-up of Hangings/Hang mail-in
 2:00 pm to 8:00 pmArtist Check-in
Wednesday, Aug.179:00 am to 12:00 pmArtist Check-in
 1:00 pm to 7:00 pmOpen to Convention Members
Thursday, Aug. 1810:00 am to late Open to Convention Members
(late opening for Art Night)
Friday, Aug. 1910:00 am to 7:00 pmOpen to Convention Members
Saturday, Aug. 2010:00 am to 6:00 pmOpen to Convention Members
 6:00 pm Closeout & Sales Set-up
 7:00 pm to 8:00 pmEarly Buyer sales
Sunday, Aug. 2110:00 am to noonOpen for sales
 NoonVoice Auction
 3:00 pm to 6:00 pmArtist Pick-up & Open for Sales; Print Shop open
 6:00 pm to 8:00 pmTear-down of hangings; pack up art
Monday, August 2210:00 am - doneTear-down of hangings, pack up art

15. Art Show Contact Information

Postal address for Art Show entry forms and payments:

    Renovation Art Show
    Elayne Pelz
    15931 Kalisher St.
    Granada Hills, CA 91344 USA

Email contact addresses:

  • for general queries relating to the Art Show.

  • for queries relating specifically to Art Show entry, booking status and fee payment.

  • to reach the "Art @ Renovation" team responsible for Art Program and events, including Art Night. This is also the address for submitting your artist bio, photo and sample artwork (see section 9).

Full information on the Art Show and all related activities can be found on the Renovation website at