Staff and Volunteers

It takes a huge team to put on a Worldcon - not surprisingly when you think that Worldcon is the largest event in the world that is run entirely by volunteer staff, from the chair all the way down to the gophers on the day.

We are proud of the strong team that we have put together for Renovation so far, and you can see them listed below. But this is just the start - we still have many more roles to fill. If you would like to help in any way, please get in touch via our volunteers page.

This is our staff list as of 18 December 2010.

Renovation Staff List

Chair: Patty Wells


Chair's Advisors / Special Projects: Vincent Docherty, Colin Harris, Helen Montgomery
Sponsorship Consultant: René Walling
Website: Rick Lindsley
Timeline: Linda Pilcher
Renovation Convention Logo: Brad Foster
Additional Artwork: John Picacio

RCFI Board:
    Officers: Patty Wells (President), Ruth Sachter (Secretary), John Lorentz (Treasurer)
    Board members: Arthur Chenin, Aaron Curtis, Vince Docherty, Don Glover, Colin Harris,
        Mark Herrup, Tammy Lindsley, Jim Mann, Theresa Renner, Ben Yalow.


FINANCE: John Lorentz

    Keepers and Counters of the Sacred Money: Judy Bemis, Dave Cantor, Debbie King, Tony Parker
        Staff: Brad Ackerman, Sue Ellen Colter, Don Eastlake IV, Lea Farr, Kevin Hall,
             Saul Jaffe, Sydnie Krause, Alexis Layton, Suford Lewis, Danny Lieberman,
             Paula Lieberman, Bob Macintosh, Sharon Reynolds, Mark Richards, Tom Veal
    International Agents:
         Australia: Jean Weber
         Canada: Murray Moore
         Europe: Vincent Docherty
         Japan: Kadumasa Sato [JASFIC]
         UK: Steve Cooper

    Deputy Division Head: Steve Cooper

    Convention Center Liaison: Bobbi Armbruster
        Staff: Craige Howlett
    Hotel Function Space Liaison: Suzanne Tompkins
    Housing: Joyce Hooper
        Housing Staff: Cathy Beckstead, Kim Marks Brown
    Facilities Staff: Stephen Boucher, Mark Herrup, Dina Krause, TR Renner, Sue Potter Stone
    Mailing List & Wiki Admin: Mike Pins, Erik V. Olson

WSFS: Vincent Docherty and Tim Illingworth

    Business Meeting Chair: Tim Illingworth
    Hugo Awards Administrator: Vincent Docherty, Kate Kligman
        Hugo Subcommittee: Vincent Docherty, Chris Hansen, Kate Kligman, Diane Lacey, Patty Wells
        Hugo Voter Packet: Kate Kligman

SERVICES: Laura Domitz
    Deputy Division Head: Melissa Mormon

    Volunteer Coordination: Sharon Pierce
        Deputy: Melanie Herz
        Staff: Virginia Youngstrom
    Handicapped Access: Sally Woerhle
        Deputy: Judith Herman
        Staff: W. A. (Bill) Thomasson
    Child Care Liaison: Lisa Garrison-Ragsdale
    Con Suite: Mr Shirt
        Staff: Stacey Helton McConnell
    Staff Den: Diane Lacey, Ruth Lichtwardt, Jeff Orth, Jim Young
    Information Desk: Ruth Sachter
    Office: Becky Thomson
        Deputy: Dave Ratti
        Staff: Lee Shepard, Sean Thomson

EXHIBITS: Todd Dashoff
    Deputy Division Head: Michael J. Walsh

    Dealers' Room Head: Joni Brill Dashoff
        Assistant: Sally Kobee
    Art Show Director: Elayne Pelz
        Art Show Staff: Sandy Cohen, MaryJane Jewell, Elizabeth Klein-Lebbink, Charles Matheny,
             Christian McGuire, Jerome Scott
    Special Art Exhibit: Gay Ellen Dennett
    Fixed Exhibits:
        Guest of Honor Exhibits: Mike Scott
        Professional Photo Gallery: Tom Veal
        Fan Photo Gallery: Chaz Baden
        Steampunk Exhibit: Bobbi DuFault
            Staff: Danny Low
    Decorator Liaison: Dave Gallaher

EVENTS: Jill Eastlake and Don Glover
    Personal Assistant: Dr Karen Purcell

    Hugo Award Ceremony: Sharon Sbarsky
        Hugo Nominees' Reception: Gay Ellen Dennett
        Hugo Ceremony Staff: Ron Ontell, Val Ontell, Heidi Schaub, Tim Szczesuil
    Masquerade Directors: Kevin Roche & Andrew Trembley
        Masquerade Fan Photo Area: Danny Low
    Music and Dance Coordinator: Dave D'Antonio
        Dance Directors: James & Cathleen Myers
        Godson: Dave Grubbs
        Music Night:
            Filk: Andrew Nisbet
    Opening and Closing Ceremonies: John Maizels
    Peppermill Events House Manager: Seth Breidbart
    Technical Director: Marcie Hansen
        Deputy Technical Director: Chuck Shimada
        Program Tech Lead: Rick Kovalcik
        Video Designer: Syd Weinstein
        Hugo & Masquerade Lighting Designer: Larry Schroeder
        Sound Designer: Scott "Kludge" Dorsey
        Streaming Video: Peter Olszowka
        Technical Coordinator for Second Stage: Carl "Z!" Zwanzig
        Technical Coordinator for Tuscany Ballroom: Bill Keaton
        Technical Staff: Linda Barnes, Cathy Beckstead, Scott Beckstead, Charles Hoff, Marc Wells
    Projected Media Coordinator: Mary Dumas
        Anime Room Manager: Adam Beaton
        Cartoons: Tom Safer
        Film Festival: Nat Saenz

PROGRAM: Jim Mann and Ian Stockdale
    Deputy Division Head: Laurie Mann

    Guest of Honor Liaison: Lucy Huntzinger (lead), Cecilia Eng, Eleanor M. Farrell, Mary Kay Kare,
         Tammy Lindsley, Andrew Nisbet
    Program Software Project Lead: Ruth Leibig
        Technical Lead: Henry Balen
    Program Area Leads:
        Academic: Kim Kofmel
        Anime: Tim Szczesuil
        Costuming: Pierre and Sandy Pettinger
        Fan: James Bacon
        Graphic Novels: Sean Wells
        Science: Helen Umberger
        Stroll with the Stars: Stu Segal
        Young Adult: James Bacon
             Children's Program: Dani Doyne
             Teen Program and Teen Lounge: Amos Meeks
    Program Staff: Mary Ann Anthony, Margene Bahm, Beverly Block, Terry Fong, Farah Mendlesohn,
         Priscilla Olson, Linda Pilcher, Anna Snyder, Edie Stern
    Brain Trust: Area Leads and Program Staff plus Lenny Bailes, Tom Becker, John Berlyne, Dave Cantor,
      Arthur Chenin, Paul Cornell, Aaron Curtis, Christine Doyle, Carolina Gómez Lagerlöf, Leslie Howle, Bob Kuhn,
      William Lexner, Sam Lubell, June M. Madeley, Mike Nelson, Susan Palwick, Sam Scheiner,
      Randy Smith, Mike Van Helder, Mike Ward
    Art Project: Anne Gray
        Brain Trust: Lou Anders, Bob Eggleton, Richard Hescox, John Picacio, Jannie Shea
        Liaison to ASFA: Jannie Shea
        Art Show Catalogue: Sara Felix
        Staff: Peer Dudda
    Publisher Liaison: Steven H Silver
    Program Ops: Janice Gelb
    Green Room: Sue Francis
        Staff: Pat Sims, Roger Sims, Lois Wellinghurst, Richard Wellinghurst
    Gaming: Aaron Curtis
    Fan Lounge: Chris Garcia
    Library Outreach: Patricia Parsons
    Reading for the Future: David-Glenn Anderson
    Writers' Workshops: Oz Drummond
        Assistant: Traci Castleberry
    Autographing: Joe Berlant

    Deputy Division Head: Tim Miller

    Souvenir Book: Deb Geisler & Geri Sullivan
        Advertising: Eve Ackerman
    Convention Guide: Paul Selkirk
    Progress Report Editors: Michael Nelson (PR1), Tony Lewis and Alice Lewis (PR2),
        Meredith Branstad (PR3), Tim Miller and Jim Murray (PR4), Warren Buff (PR5)
    Daily At Con Zine: Meredith Branstad
        Staff: Matt Branstad, Steve Libbey

    Deputy Division Head: Jonathan Miles

    Art & Design: Kimm Antell and Stoney Compton
    Ad Placement: Brian Murphy
    Promotional Videos: Nat Saenz
    Press Releases: Joyce Reynolds-Ward
    Flyer Distribution: Page Fuller
    Social Networks:
        Livejournal / Facebook: Don Glover, Colin Harris
        Twitter: Kimm Antell
    Promotions Staff: Renee Babcock, Bob Brown, Zoe Wells

Special Thanks

In addition to our standing staff, we are of course indebted to the many volunteers who have helped us out in so many ways.

Website Credits

Development of this website has been led by Rick Lindsley and Colin Harris, with support from many other members of the Renovation team. Specific artwork credits are as follows. Other than where indicated, material on this website may not be used without explicit permission.

  • The Reno in 2011 logo was designed by Brad Foster.
  • Background art composited by Rick Lindsley.
  • Images on the website are taken from a number of sources. Reno photos are primarily courtesy of the Reno-Sparks Convention & Visitors Authority. We would particularly like to thank our liaison there, Tanna McTee, and Webmaster Rick Saake.