Memberships - An Introduction
This part of the web site contains everything you need to know about your Renovation membership. This includes:
- Full information on how to sign up, including membership
types, rates, and applicable terms and conditions.
- An online registration service, enabling you to sign
up immediately from this web site.
- Details of our installment plan which enables adult members
and families to spread the cost of joining over a series of modest quarterly payments.
- An online membership list which you can use to find members
by name, state or country.
- Information on membership demographics and joining trends.
- A list of Lost Souls who we would like to get in touch
with again.
- Guidance on how to submit membership transfers and
changes of address.
- A membership FAQ with answers to the most common membership-related questions.
Note: All program participants and all volunteers must buy their own memberships. In the event the Worldcon makes money, part or all of program participant/volunteer membership fees will be reimbursed.