Memberships - Online Registration

This page can handle most of your registration needs electronically. It can assist you in purchasing new memberships or in upgrading existing ones. You can find a complete list of membership options on our main membership page.

You can pay for an existing installment plan here, but this page cannot help you start one. To do that, or to buy a family membership, please return to the membership page and review the steps for mailing in your registration.

Indicate below which types of memberships you'd like to purchase. You will be asked registration information and then sent to our credit card processing page. You will receive a receipt by email.

You will be asked to enter the membership information for each person in turn. If you need to move between pages, please use the Next and Previous Membership buttons provided, and NOT the Back button in your browser.

Renovation attending membership(s) (basic rate US$180, less any applicable discounts)
Renovation supporting membership(s) (basic rate US$50, less any applicable discounts)
Renovation young adult (17-21) membership(s) (basic rate US$100, less any applicable discounts)
Renovation child (6-16) membership(s) (basic rate US$75, less any applicable discounts)
Renovation kid-in-tow (0-6 years) membership(s) (no charge)