Program - Frequently Asked Questions
This page contains answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) relating to Program. It is one of a number of FAQ pages you will find on this website. To see a full list of the available topics, go to the main FAQ page.
Introduction to the Renovation Program
The Renovation Program team is working to create an interesting, informative Program. For panels, we will invite people who can have enlightening discussions with others. We encourage lively debates among knowledgeable panelists who are interested in engaging with other panels and the audience.
We will invite a broad mix of Program participants — writers old and new, scientists, artists, professionals and fans, people from around the world with all kinds of backgrounds. We will feature many different viewpoints and topics ranging from detailed discussion of astrophysics or medicine to gender and gender identity, from costuming to science fiction art, and from religion to the latest season of Doctor Who.
Index to Questions
We have included an index of all the questions on this page to help you find the one you want quickly.
- Attendees
- Writers/Artists/Editors
FAQs for Attendees
Q: | What are Kaffee Klatches? |
A: | Kaffee Klatches, Literary Beers and Literary Teas provide fans with the opportunity to talk to a writer, artist or an editor in a small group. Drinks and snacks will be available for sale near the items. These items will require advance sign-up and will be limited to 10 fans. We will have complete information on how to sign-up on the Website closer to the convention. |
Q: | How will Writers' Workshops be run? |
A: | Renovation will be running short, small Writers Workshops, consisting of one or two writers and about six Renovation members. Each workshop will last two hours and will run in the Peppermill Hotel. For more information on workshops, check our Writers Workshops page. |
FAQs for Program Participants
Q: | How can I get on Program at Renovation? |
A: | We will send out Program invitations beginning in the fall of 2010 and continuing
through the spring of 2011. It's a gradual process because developing an excellent,
wide-ranging Worldcon Program is an iterative process
and takes months.
If you are interested in being on Program, complete the Renovation Program Volunteer Form. While not everyone who wants to be on Program can be accommodated, we will consider all applications. We promise to respond to all Program volunteers by the end of June 2011 at the latest. When you volunteer, please tell us what is interesting about yourself and the contributions you could make to the Program. Even if we do not invite you to be on Renovation Program, we expect to be able to give an Autograph session to any Renovation member who is a writer or artist and would like to have one. There may also be opportunities to participate in Art Night (if you're an artist or film-maker) and in Music Night if you have talents in those areas. If you're a new SF writer, welcome to the science fiction community! Please take a few minutes to learn more about Worldcon by browsing the Renovation Website. We've also collected links to some useful articles on Worldcon on the Web:
Q: | If I am a Program participant at Renovation, will I get a free membership? |
A: | No one, other than a Guest of Honor, gets a free membership. If you are a member of the
science fiction community, Worldcon needs your financial support before the convention
to be able to pay convention expenses (like the convention center fees and publication bills).
If Renovation has money left over after all the convention bills are paid (and we are
budgeting to do so), we plan to reimburse all or part of the membership fees for
Program participants.
If you decide not to attend Renovation, you can sell your membership. |
Q: | If I'm accepted as a Program Participant, when will I get my schedule? |
A: | We plan to send out initial schedules in May or June 2011. Please review your schedule as soon as you receive it, and let us know of any input that you have (e.g. concerns over the items you have been scheduled on or clashes that mean you cannot participate in an item at the suggested time). |
Q: | What does "from the science fiction community" mean? |
A: | It means people who attend science fiction conventions, write science fiction, publish science fiction, or are fans, agents, or editors of science fiction &mdash you. We will be providing a few day passes to people from outside the science fiction community who come in to make presentations for us, such as scientists, academics and craftsmen who are from outside of our field. |
Q: | How can I promote my books at Renovation? |
A: | ![]() Illustration by Robin Monogue, used here by permission of the artist. If you're on Program, you can come to panels and your autographing session with color postcards and flyers, with your book and social media information. Small, informative freebies can help remind people of this interesting panelist they heard during Renovation. You can promote your books in many ways, including buying ads in Progress Reports, providing freebies for the freebie table and by sponsoring a launch party. If you're on Program, be sure to prepare for your panels and for the convention itself. Think of things to say, people to quote, and questions to ask. If you impress your audience with your wit, intelligence, and erudition, they are more likely to want to buy your books, visit your Website, drop in at your launch party, and so on. One of the worst things you can do are to build a wall of books around yourself when you're on a panel. You don't want to hide from your audience. |
Q: | Can I schedule a track of Program about X? |
A: | Renovation Program will not run tracks per se. We will run areas (New Frontiers, Science,
Publishing Trends, Graphic Novels, Movies, Fandom, etc.) with a variety of panels about
each of these areas, using a number of speakers. While we are happy to consider
anyone's ideas, ultimate decisions about what and who is scheduled
are all made by the Programming team. We will not sub-contract out Program to other
individuals or groups.
We expect to be able to host special interest group meetings, but most of these are likely to be in the Exhibit Hall. |