WSFS - Frequently Asked Questions

This page contains answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) relating to WSFS. It is one of a number of FAQ pages you will find on this website. To see a full list of the available topics, go to the main FAQ page.

We have included an index of all the questions on this page to help you find the one you want quickly.

Q: WSFS sounds like some multi-national company - what is it ?
A: WSFS is a society of science fiction fans that exists purely to run Worldcons and give out the Hugo Awards.
Q: How do I join WSFS ?
A: By becoming a member of the current year's Worldcon. There is no other special requirement - everyone who joins a Worldcon gets to be a member for that year.
Q: And do I have to attend the Worldcon ?
A: No, you just have to have a Full Supporting or Full Attending membership. Either gives you the right to vote in the Site Selection and Hugo Awards ballots. You can do this by mail. WSFS members can also attend the Business Meeting, the governing body of WSFS, which is held each year at the Worldcon. (Note that to attend the Business Meeting, you will need a Full Attending membership of the convention).
Q: What exactly are the Hugos ?
A: The Hugo Awards are annual awards for achievement in science fiction and fantasy: Best Novel, Best Dramatic Presentation, that sort of thing.
Q: Who decides who gets an award ?
A: Us. The fans. More precisely, the members of WSFS. So in 2011, it will be the members of Renovation, recognising work created in 2010.