Academic programme FAQs
What is the difference between “Diversity in Speculative Fiction” and Loncon 3?
“Diversity in Speculative Fiction” is a component of the wider event called Loncon 3. Loncon 3 is the 72nd World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon). Often it has an academic track (also known as “academic programme”). Due to the fact that each Worldcon is organised by different people in different countries, the exact nature of the academic track changes each year. Some years it is very large and in other years tiny. Some years it includes only lectures, in other years primarily papers. Some years it has a theme and in other years none at all.
In 2014, the academic programme is being run as the full academic conference “Diversity in Speculative Fiction”. It will be held within the Loncon 3 convention space and all conference sessions will be embedded with the convention programme. This means that conference presenters will be presenting to each other as well as convention attendees. It also means that conference presenters can explore and enjoy the rest of the convention.
To find out more about the other things that will be happening over the five days, please explore the rest of this website, and consider volunteering for other programme areas as well as the academic conference.
If I present at the conference, can I also be involved with other programme areas?
Yes, absolutely! In fact, you can already volunteer to be on the programme or suggest programme items. We are aware that academics are often published authors who may wish to appear as both an academic at the conference and as an author in the convention as a whole. This is encouraged.
Programme Volunteer Form
Suggest a Programme Item
If I propose something, am I guaranteed to be accepted?
No, this is an academic conference that just happens to be set within the environment of the world’s longest running science fiction convention. As with all academic conferences, there is a possibility that we will have too many excellent submissions to be able to accept everyone.
Was the deadline October at one point?
Yes: for the first month the CfP was released we had the CfP deadline as 1 October. Due to scheduling changes, the deadline was extended until the end of 2013.
Do I have to join Loncon 3?
Yes, if your proposal is accepted you must have full attending membership of the convention by May 2014. This membership gets you full and complete access to the conference as well as full and complete access to the Loncon 3 convention. There are different types of membership depending on, for instance, your age and whether you come with other family members. They entitle you to the same admissions and other benefits, but cost different amounts of money. Full day admissions will also be available to the convention. Information about the different types of membership and how to join the convention is explained on this site.
I can’t afford to come; is there funding available?
No, unfortunately not. Loncon 3 is not-for-profit and is organised exclusively by volunteers, including the conference. This obviously limits the amount of money available. However, there is an instalment plan to make it easier to pay the full cost of the membership. There will be a range of hotels including cheaper options in the immediate vicinity and further away. We are also looking into ways people can find room-shares easily. Details of how to book accommodation will be announced by January 2014 at the latest; in the meantime there is information about the ExCeL campus and nearby hotels here .
My university/funding body will offer financial assistance, but only with official letters. Can you provide these?
Yes: get in touch with us to let us know what you need and we will do our best to help in a timely fashion.
I have other questions
Please contact the conference organiser, Emma England via email or alternatively, ask her on the conference twitter account: