Exhibit Your Art

Registration Form

To register as an artist, you must have at the least a Supporting convention membership for Loncon 3. To attend the convention, you will need to have an Attending membership or relevant day admission.

This online form enables you to register as an artist and provide information about the art you would like to display and/or offer for sale at Loncon 3. We will contact you shortly to confirm receipt and to provide information about how you can pay for your display space and other requirements. This should include the option to pay online; we're sorry that this isn't available immediately.

If you want to pay by cheque (in GBP £ sterling) you might prefer to download and complete this copy of the form now, and return it by post.


Artist Name:

Postal Address:



Post/Zip Code:


Home Phone:

Mobile Phone:


Website URL:

Agent’s Name (if applicable):

Agent’s Mobile Phone (if applicable):

Display Space
Please note: 1 unit = 1 panel or 1 table; ½ unit = ½ table

Panels Requested:

Standard (6’ x 4’ @ £30 each)

Small (4’ x 4’ @ £20 each)

Tables Requested:

Full (6’ x 30’’@ £30 each)

Half (3’ x 30”@ £15 each)

Projected Art

Number of images (@ £10 each or £40 for five)


Note: All print copies will be hung on extended hangers in the Print Shop display for buyers to pick up themselves.

Number of prints (@ £1 per print – not per image)


I would like to apply for Artists in Residence space.


Special display requirements?
(oversized work, extra panels or tables, electricity needs, floor space, co-locate with another artist, etc) 

Briefly describe your art so we may display it to its best advantage:

I am already a member of Loncon 3

I plan to attend Loncon 3 – see Membership information

My art will arrive with my designated agent
(if Yes, please fill out Agent information above)

I am not attending in person but want to mail in my art. **
**Contact Art Show Heads for required approval (artshow@ukin2014.org).**
Note: A maximum of 2 6’x4’ panels, 1 table and 40 Print Shop pieces are available for mailed-in art.

Make art sales cheques payable to:

If no space is available I would like:

I have read the Loncon 3 Art Show rules and agree to abide by them