Exhibit Your Art

Display Space

We aim to accommodate all art offered for the Art Show, but equally we uphold the right to instigate limits whenever, in our opinion, it will improve the show.

2D Hanging Art

The basic unit of space is the pegboard “panel”, a hanging space that is 6 feet wide by 4 feet high (183 by 123 cm approx). A smaller panel (four feet / 123 cm square) will also be available.

In this way, we will endeavour to avoid the enclosed “booth” style of hanging space, to better appreciate the work. More information will be made available as plans progress.

3D Art

For 3D art, the basic unit is the “table” which is 6 feet long (approx 183 cm) by 30 inches deep (approx 76 cm).

Keep in mind that your reserved space, whether for 2D or 3D art, must allow for clearance between pieces and space for their attached bid sheets. Pieces may not extend beyond the edges of the panel or table.

Free-standing, outsized 3D Art

If you wish to show pieces that do not fit into these categories (such as a freestanding sculpture or display case, or a large or unusually sized piece) write to us now for a rate quote. Please include in this all pertinent details in order to allow us to find the appropriate site for your work.

Projected Art

For individual pieces of art larger than the 6 by 4 foot panel size, we can offer to project your work onto the walls of the Exhibits Hall. You may then sell copies of this work on CD via the Print Shop.

For some artists, this may appeal as an alternative to shipping or travelling with large items.

Please note:
It may not be possible to keep all work by a single artist together, but we will try to do so.