- Art Show contact information
- Email: artshow@loncon3.org
- Postal address:
- Loncon 3 Art Show
- 19 Tilstone Close
- Northwich
- Cheshire CW9 8BY
- UK
- (for paperwork only – NOT for artwork!)
- Telephone: number available on request
Art to be Exhibited
All entries to the Art Show must be original works of a science fiction, fantasy, horror, astronomical, fannish or similarly-related theme. We can accept artwork in any medium including jewellery, sculptures, photographs, computer-generated or audio-visual.
Only one copy of a print or reproduction may be displayed in the Art Show itself. For instant sale of multiple copies, artists can request space in the Print Shop but the same image cannot be in both unless the item in the Art Show is the original.
Artists may enter the Art Show and/or Print Shop (either directly or via an agent), but each artist may enter only once.
Every piece submitted must be the work of the entering artist.
Several artists may enter as a group, but group entries are held to the same limits as for a single artist entry: every piece submitted must be the work of (one or more of) the entering artist(s).
Collaborative works may be submitted by any of the collaborators, but all collaborators must be named as artists of the piece. Collaborative works are held to the same limits as for a single artist entry.
Pre-owned Art will be accepted at our discretion. Please enquire first (artshow@ukin2014.org).
All two-dimensional (flat) entries must be matted, mounted or framed and ready to be hung securely at the show. Prints must be mounted or matted. All items to be entered must be finished before they are brought into the Art Show.
Please note: Loncon 3 takes no responsibility for damage incurred at the show due to faulty hardware installed by the artist on their work.
We reserve the right to reject any work that is physically hazardous, is a nuisance (e.g. noise, intense or flashing lights), is a copyright infringement, is libelous or is patently offensive by community standards. Once a piece of artwork has been signed into the Art Show or Print Shop, it may not be withdrawn, nor may any conditions of its sale (such as minimum bid) be changed for the duration of the show.
Not-For-Sale (NFS) work is accepted in the Art Show and will be eligible for awards, but we request that at least half of your work is offered for sale. You must also make it clear on the accompanying Bid Sheet that a piece of art is NFS.
Art Show Location
The Art Show will be located in the Exhibits Hall, adjacent to the Dealers’ Zone and Exhibits space. This is central to the convention space in the ExCeL Centre.
We have a certain degree of flexibility in the space allocated to us. The Art Show will have in excess of 200 pegboard equivalents measuring 6 by 4 feet (approx 183 by 123 cm) for flat artwork, along with good space allocation for tables for 3D art and open space for free-standing artworks. There will also be provision for projected art. More details are available here.
If you have special requests (e.g. odd size displays, audio-visual requirements) please make this clear on the entry form; we will do our best to accommodate you.
At this stage, flexibility and communication is key.
The Print Shop will have a separate display area with all copies of each print hung on large / extended pegboard hooks. These items will require a Print Shop Label rather than a Bid Sheet because they will be sold at a fixed price and will not go to auction. Buyers will be able to purchase and take away Print Shop items throughout the convention.
You must have between 3 and 10 identical copies of each image entered into the Print Shop. Copies of an image that are of a different size (matted vs. mounted, etc.) should be considered as separate images when you are completing your Control Sheet Inventory.
We will accept 3D items if and only if they can be hung in self-packaging. You must purchase Print Shop panel space; there is a per-item fee (see Sales, Fees and Payments section).
How to Reserve Display Space
To enter the Loncon 3 Art Show and Print Shop, please fill out and return the Art Show Registration Form as soon as possible.
Advance reservations are required – no space will be available at the door.
We will acknowledge receipt of your entry form, indicating how much space has been reserved for you.
Artist registrations will be taken up to the end of May 2014, although we may extend this nearer the time. In the event we have to close registration before this date, we will publicise this through all available media. Should your form arrive after the end of the advertised time, you will be put on the Waiting List for cancellations and informed ahead of the convention whether or not you have a display space.
If some or all of your requested space has been wait-listed, we will inform you of this immediately and you will be contacted as soon as the situation changes.
Paying for Your Display Space
Please complete the Art Show Registration Form which details payment options.
Have Art to Display but Can’t Attend?
Mailed-in artwork becomes a substantial task for Art Show staff to unpack, hang, take down and re-pack for shipping, and therefore only a limited amount will be accepted.
To request special permission to mail your artwork, please email artshow@loncon 3.org or send notification to us at: Loncon 3 Art Show, 19 Tilstone Close, Northwich, Cheshire CW9 8BY, UK.
If permission is granted, you will be limited to a maximum of ten items on no more than two panels and one table of space and five different prints for the Print Shop.
An additional fee of £10 per panel/table, plus the cost of return postage for your artwork, will also be charged in addition to the panel fees.
If you mail art to us without prior, written agreement, we will return it at your expense: there will be no exceptions.
Join Now!
Current membership rates.
Valid until 28 February 2014